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He’s staring into her eyes the way a leopard looks upon its prey…She’s humble and her skin is reacting at the touch of his fingers…at the sound of his overwhelming voice.
Her demons are crawling…feeling his invite to the game…what a wicked game…what a beautiful shame…
He licks her nipple with the tip of his tongue in a way that makes her mouth wide open…her throat is shirking the screams into helpless high-pitch moans.
Every inch of her body is shaking under his command…and she’s drowning in a river of lust and despair…she wants to die for his angels and live for his demons…she wants to sink in the deepness of his look, of his stare…what a funny thrill.
What a funny thing, that she was full of hate, under all those funny masks for masquerade…She seemed cool, like she found her “happy place”…she was good at faking…or she was good at fucking with herself.
He was the perfect pair of eyes. Their coldness fooled her, she let her guard down…he unwrapped her tricks, stripped her of control…exposed her deepest issues and schemes…he opened a super massive black hole.

A few hours ago, before she lost herself, before she surrendered…before he made her obey…she was wearing her bratty perfume, her vulgar smirks that were defying his authority…his indubitable ownership over her.
And he was wearing the warmest smile…with paradox in his stare…a view so pretty it`s irritating…and confusing…and oh, so god damn rare! It was a pleasure to dance with such a devil…for that she’d rather burn in hell.
His itchy palms taught her through caress and pain…that “it is fear you hurt from the suffering…it`s the adrenaline pumping in your veins…”
She was the stubborn type, the one that makes your devils smile…she was kind of funny, kind of “make me behave”…
He is slow, he is fast, he is a trickster dressed in a savior ,“wish granted” and in a blink of an eye, one hand on her thighs, one is pulling her hair, can.t move her head. She ran out of smirks for a couple of seconds…

She’s hissing through her teeth…”god damn how can you do it so well??!”



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Si daca-as fi o pisica

Si daca-as fi o pisica…m-as cuibari in bratele tale…si te-as musca usor de mana…atunci cand te-ai opri din mangaiat… As savarsi totem al dragostei mele pe perdelele din sufragerie, franjuri ca o expresie…a modului in care ma simt cand esti plecat. Si daca-as fi o pisica…te-as astepta in prag de usa cu ochii mari si groaza in stomac…ca m-ai lasat intr-o camera asa de mare si pustie…iar eu sunt fara de tine…un suflet amarat…abandonat. Si daca-as fi o pisica…as toarce la pieptul tau seara de seara…si ti-as clipi usor dand din mustati…iar cand ai adormi, te-as zgaria pe fata…din dragoste…   Si daca-as fi o pisica…as cersi atentie si m-as face ghem la piciorul tau, te-as urma peste tot prin casa…si ti-as mieuna dorul nestins…sau foamea de tine…si de permute cu carne. Si daca-as fi o pisica…as face langa litiera, doar ca sa ma certi si astfel, din cand in cand…sa iti aud vocea…si sa stiu ca in acel moment…esti atent doar la mine…si atat.


Da…recunosc. Nu stiu cum sa ma odihnesc. Alerg alerg si iar alerg. Si cand merg alerg. SI cand stau alerg. Si nu imi trag nicidecum rasuflarea. Ma simt vinovata si stiu! Stiu! Te rog, nu`mi spune…stiu. Dar ma simt vinovata. Ma simt prizoniera, ma simt extenuata, ma simt prea matura…si prea copil. Tu nu stiu cat de mult o sa-ntelegi ce scriu aici. Dar ma simt prizoniera in propria carcasa de oase…vad lucrurile altfel…mereu a fost asa…o disociere de tot…deci de mine…si totusi…simt atat de puternic incat simt ca nu simt…simt amorteala…simt asurzire… Nu am nevoie de sfaturi. Sfatul meu e sa ma lasati cu totii in pace. Pentru ca voi nu intelegi. Nici eu nu inteleg. Stiu ca o sa imi pierd mintile cumva…daca nu ma pied ele pe mine…inaintea mea…sau inaintea ta…caci inainte de tine puteam sa fiu altfel. Inainte de tine eram copil…inainte de tine credeam ca stiu si nu stiam nimic…cumva acesta este viciul meu…cumva din neajuns imi ridic statuie ca sa-mi fie de ajuns…cand


Se roaga sa o tina strans in brate…sa nu cumva sa o lase sa plece…ea vrea sa ramana..aici acum, in orice statie, in orice mijloc sau fundatura…sau inceput. Ea e la sfarsit. Deja isi linge degetul dand ultima fila…Ea…stii? E ironic…tot ce vrea ea e… E….e februarie…iar pentru ea februarie e dor, februarie de dragoste si jale…e doliu…e chinul dracului. Pff…februarie.  Februarie e exact punctul culminant, de care orice personaj principal se fereste parca aruncandu-se cu capul inainte… …tot ce vrea ea e…sa se intoarca…sa poata pune pauza, repeat, sa…nu existe consecinte pentru timpul risipit…minciuna cu doua fete…in care se intreaba… …Cand un mincinos spune ca minte, spune adevarul sau minte?  Adevarul? Sau minte?Ce fel de minte? Minte ca verb ori minte ca genialitate mentala…si daca e starea mentala…macar ne-am lamurit de ceva.… Si-a dat atat de des ochii peste cap…ca s-au intros intru sine…Ea poarta ochelari…lentila ca o oglinda…sa nu se poata privii in ochi cand se mint